Sunday, November 8, 2015

Inspiration Sunday

     Hello to all of my loves out there in blog-land!  I have decided to start a new tradition by creating "Inspiration Sundays" on the blog.  While I am sure this is not a novel idea, I think it is a very, very important one.

     Time for some real talk.  I haven't been to church in over a month.  It has become one of those things where "I'm tired", or "Shane has the day off!", or "I'll watch it online" (My church offers online services you can view anytime).  Even with all of these reasons I haven't watched or visited in over a month.  Wow, that is a painful thing to type and even harder to share.  But it's honest.

     Now, for the good news.  Yesterday one of my best friends in the whole world asked if I was joining our group of friends at church the next day.  It worked out against all "odds" (aka the ones I create), and man oh man I am so glad we went.  I had a very rough day yesterday, and when our pastor (Pastor Craig of Life Church) started talking about having a void in your heart, it hit HOME.  I realized, for me, over the past weeks of not attending, not letting the spirit speak to me, and not spending that time in open worship, that the void was growing quickly within me.   It was so amazing for around one hour of spiritual time to set me onto a new, hope-filled path.

     The current series at Life Church, that just began today, is called The Time Is Now.  To be very honest, when I walked in, I thought in my head that the message might be a little "hokey" today (obviously I didn't walk in with a positive mindset!).  However, it turned out to be the EXACT thing I needed to hear as most times at church go for me.  We were reminded to "give careful thought to your ways... (Haggai 1:3)". 

     Lately I have felt myself become more and more self-centered.  I think in today's social media driven society (and yes even as a blogger I will admit that) we definitely become focused on the wrong things.  To say there haven't been days where I wanted the white rug, the $500.00 shoes, and the daily Starbucks lattes I see on some blogs would be a HUGE LIE.  It felt so good to be reminded to focus my ways on God and not towards only the "idols" of superficial things. Not that God does not want us to have nice things in our life, but not to make them MY LIFE.

      My other favorite part was to "choose a hard right over an easy wrong".  As a 28 year old, female, unmarried, elementary school teacher there are many times where I wonder if this occupation is for me.  Never because of the kids but because of the early, nonstop days, the emotional havoc it sometimes causes in me, and the lack of "easy" in the whole career.  But I know, I KNOW, that it is the right thing.  I know I was made for it.  I know I can create relationships with some of the most troubled students because I have BEEN THERE.  But it is definitely a hard right.

     The other part that hit me, was when Pastor C. asked us what was on our hearts.  What unfinished business do you have? What has pulled on your heart strings but you just haven't quite done it/finished it/created it/made it.   Well for me it is this blog.  I have been called to blogging for a few years now.  I have stopped, started, stopped again, and often had reasons to not take it seriously as I want to.  This blog has been on my heart more than a place to share a cute outfit, or pictures of my dog (although that will be a part of it!).  It has always called to me for two reasons.  First, is a place for me to find myself outside of teaching.  To share the many, many hobbies that create passion in my life.  To find a network of other like-minded individuals.  Secondly, I want to inspire others the way I have been inspired.  Part of that inspiration NEEDS to be from my heart and my faith.  The time is now.  

     This post was not paid for or directly affiliated with Life.Church.  These are my inspirations given to me from the heart of God.  I am so very happy to have a space to share this with my readers and also with myself.  Thank you for reading and please respond! What is the time right for you to do? Where does your inspiration lie?  What is your hard right? Let me know.

Mandy Lamb, XO

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Flash of Fall

Happy Fall Y'all!!  We had a flash of fall today with some cooler weather.  But then it was almost 90. Go figure Oklahoma weather.

Outfits like this have been my go to with these month(s).  Like any good, basic girl I am craving scarves, boots, tights, and starbucks.  Throwing in a pair of dark shorts (with or without tights) is a great way to keep cool and still in season.  Add a pair of booties and you are ready to go play in the leaves!

I am all about neutrals when it comes to fall because you can pair as many neutrals together as possible (and yes leopard is a neutral).  A pop of color can really pull it all together.  I am all about reds and burgundies right now!

This weekend was a rough one for Oklahomans.  On Saturday, October 24th, 2015, a driver drove her car into a crowd of people at the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade. 4 were killed and dozens injured.  The reason behind what happened is unknown.  We have to come together now to pray for the poor families of those lost and for the woman who is troubled.  We need God to take over now.  I am proud of Cowboy and Sooner nation for coming together and being #OklahomaStrong. But how can you stay strong in times like these?

Tell those that you love that you love them.  Hug them longer today. Laugh. Love. Play.  Let go of the small stuff. Cry if you need to. Then laugh again. Help someone. Eat good, healthy food. Take care of yourself and be THANKFUL. You never know when this beautiful ride is over so please take each moment as it comes. Because it is, truly, a beautiful ride.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Floppy hats and attitude check

A few weeks ago we got to celebrate my boyfriend's sister's birthday! She is such a sweetie so I was happy to celebrate with her and make a cute gift basket.  Turns out she ended up spending most of it with her boyfriend, so I only saw her for a bit! It was still special to celebrate and have a reason to get dressed up and go to dinner.

I am obsessed with this hat and dress I both purchased recently at Rue 21.  Rue 21 is hands down one of my favorite "ballin' on a budget" stores.  You do have to be picky with quality sometimes, but as long as you pay attention and catch their sales, you can do AH-MAZING!! I got this hat for $14.99 and the dress for $8 and some change. WHAT A STEAL!  I plan to wear this dress all winter with tights and boots.

If you are curious on the landscape, these are taken at my new apartments! I love them they are gorgeous and have lots of lovely trees to enjoy.  There's also a fishing pond and a dog park for Puppins.  I am so happy to be there as the last place I lived at turned out to be not very safe and the landlord was super shady.  This place is organized, well run, and quiet.  I am hoping and praying it stays that way because I do not want to move in the near future!!!

     Also, can I just vent some? Well sure I guess I can since this is my blog! I just absolutely 100% cannot stand negative people.  Today was one of those days where everyone around me seemed to be out for themselves, and in a terrible mood about e-very-thing.
     I am NOT one of those people by any means.  I have been through a LOT of craziness and hard things in my life (things you would not guess by looking at me).  I essentially have no parents and never have as my dad passed away and my mom is addicted to pills.  I grew up in poverty and in an abusive home.  I have taught at some very rough schools and seen some very rough things.  Those are just a few things on the list.  Please do not take this as a pity party because it's not.  I only mention those things because despite all of that I try my best to be positive every day.  I am not a perfect person by any means and definitely have times where everything seems impossible.  But my love of life and my faith in God keep me going.  I also know that life is fleeting and most things a.) don't matter b.) will pass or c.) aren't that bad.
     This being said I am getting frustrated by some people around me that are constantly negative.  I can't say who they are but they are not people I can choose whether they are in my life or not.  In the day to day it seems also that many people want to find the bad in everything.  I just wish I could shake these people and help them see how much there is to be grateful for every day.

     Life is a beautiful place.  It is crazy, frustrating, inexplicable, abundant, and beautiful.  There is so much beauty in the smallest things and people.  There are adventures around every corner.  There is more than enough for everyone.  And God has our backs.  He loves us, but he needs a little trust. And a little joy.
     So if you feel like you are one of  those people caught in the "negative nancy" trap, please take a moment to be thankful for your life, your health, your family, your friends, or whatever it is that made you get out of this morning.  Spread your light out into the world because it is yours and yours alone.

~Mandy Lamb, XO

Sunday, October 11, 2015

(almost) Fall

The most plaid, basic, and amazing picture for fall that I can imagine!
Fall is "here" but also not here at all.  If your state is anything like mine you have been having fall "teases" of cool weather but of course lots and lots of heat!  I am personally not complaining because I hate being cold.  DESPISE it.  So if I can have pleasant weather and still wear plaid? I am game.    Last weekend Me, Shane, his best friend and his wife all traveled to their hometown to see Shane's parents beautiful new home.  The weather Saturday morning was ah-mazing.  We had a fire outside in the fire pit, drank coffee, and lounged in this awesome hammock.  To me that is hands down the perfect way to start a day.

A snapshot of the beautiful pond on their land that we fished in.


We had an awesome day in the fall-ish weather.  Chit chatting, trying to fish (I didn't catch anything!), and lounging about.  The boys did actually do some work as the house is a fixer upper that needs a little love.  It was one of those days for me that I wish every day could be like.

Even though it doesn't quite look (or feel) like fall yet, we are starting these cute cute fall tree paintings in my 1st grade classes.   I taught them how to paint a tree and grass using tempera paint cakes.  Then they added warm colored leaves by finger painting the leaves on the tree, in the grass, and falling out into the air.  Next time we will add a few spots of gold glitter glue to give it some pizzazz.  I love how these are turning out!

Happy (almost) Fall, Y'all!

~Mandy Lamb, XO

Oh, Snap!!!

For more ridiculousness follow me on Snapchat! Look up MandyLambXO.  Be prepared for mass silliness and more pictures of (Mary) Puppins!


snapshots from this weekend


Hey guys.  I have had seriously the most relaxing weekend.  I haven't had one of these in SO LONG.  I have been car shopping, moving, teachering, etc. and it is so nice to have a weekend to catch up on errands, sleep, shows, and enjoying life.   Although this may sound strange to some I got to organize my closet in my new apartment (which I love) and it makes me so happy!       Cleaning is in no way my favorite thing, but over the years it has definitely grown on me.  It just feels so good when everything is clean and organized. When my closet is organized and all my "babies" are in order it makes me so happy! Mostly because I am up early early getting ready for school and then I can actually find what I am looking for!  So here is the result of the great closet cleanout this weekend, woohoo!  If you want to follow me on snapchat my name is mandylambxo.

Need I say more? I think that was the feeling across Oklahoma yesterday!!  Still love you Sooners!


Saturday I went to visit my man at his job and there was a food truck in the parking lot with the BEST burgers.  I got to NOM on this delicious mac and cheese burger.  It made my whole day because I LOVE mac and cheese!  I was in food heaven.

The BEST thing happened to me this weekend.  While visiting Shane's work I ran into a friend that I used to work with and her husband.  I'm not going to lie I heavily creep on her instagram because she has two beautiful greyhounds and I of course have my little iggy Puppins.  I just adore these beautiful dogs and of course it's always wonderful to see old friends you have lost touch with.  I love when these things happen!!

To continue with my theme of relaxation this weekend,  we had a Game of Thrones night!  Shane got this awesome set of a Game of Thrones stout and a blonde along with a chalice.  We had drinks and worked on getting caught up on season 5!!  I am OBSESSED with this show.  I love how deep the story is, I love the time period, and I extra love it now that I understand WHO is WHO.  If you haven't started watching GOT or reading the books you need to get on that ASAP.  It's amazing. It is one of the few shows that take me to another world.  Speaking of, I am also binge watching Bates Motel season 2 this weekend.  This show is just the right amount of creepy, suspense, and psychological thriller. (See what I did there??)

I love this man and the time we get to spend together! He is such a positive and happy soul.  Also loved repping my Sooner's tank with a big comfy sweater this weekend.  It has been crazy transition weather here still, so this sweater helped keep me warm and was easy to remove if need be.  I LOVE the big sweater trend.  It makes everything just that much more chic.


I'm going to end this post with this adorable picture of my friend Jen and Puppins.  If you know Puppins, he is a very, very shy dog.  So the fact that he just warmed right up to her makes me so happy! Plus she's a cutie too!

What do you have planned for this coming week? Any organization tips you can throw my way?  

Have a WONDERFUL week!

~Mandy Lamb, XO

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Look who's still here!

     Well look who is still here! It has been a crazy insane madness of two weeks. To sum it all up I was sick (very sick), in a car wreck that totaled my car while still sick, bought a new car, completely moved from one home (duplex) into a new one (apartment). Yep, ladies and gents, this all happened in approximately the past two weeks. Wow. Too much.
     But look. I am still here. While that sounds silly I have to tell myself this. There were times (many times) this past few weeks where I felt lost. I disliked myself. I was disappointed in myself. I felt very unworthy. Strong words but honest words.  And I am still here.
     I am so lucky to have a God that loves me and gives me nothing that I cannot handle. I am so lucky to have friends, family, coworkers, and students who care about me and lift me up when I fall down (and want to stay down).
     I'm sure more of the details of the past few weeks will come out while I work them out and write them out. Mostly today I want to say how thankful I am that I am exactly where I need to be.
     In celebration of the first day of having a moment to blog, here is a picture of a favorite outfit I wore to school today. Sans shoes because that's basically where my life is at right now haha. But I want to remind myself, and others, when you feel so low that you can't get up, you are still here and you are here for a darn important reason.  Please don't forget that.